
KINDER Maxi (Refrigerated) 35g

Kinder Maxi is a larger version of the Kinder Chocolate.
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KINDER Pingui (Refrigerated) 30g resmi

KINDER Pingui (Refrigerated) 30g

Kinder Pinguì is similar to Kinder Delice with the exception of a complete chocolate covering and more milky filling inside.
KINDER Milchschnitte (Sut Dilimi) 28g resmi

KINDER Milchschnitte (Sut Dilimi) 28g

Always fresh from the fridge ? that's Milchschnitte. The secret of the success is the delicious milk cream. It tastes like a delicious piece of cake with milk cream! Between two delicious cuts sits the absolutely delicious cream! You can also call this delicious candy a sweet chocolate milk sandwich.
GUSTO Pufuleti 45g resmi

GUSTO Pufuleti 45g

Gusto Pufleti are delicious, salted corn flips with palm oil from Romania. Gusto Pufuleti are made from 100% natural ingredients.
KINDER Delice Cocoa Sponge Cakes 42g resmi

KINDER Delice Cocoa Sponge Cakes 42g

Kinder Delice is a chocolate cake with a layer of milk inside and a milk chocolate covering. The Kinder Delice brand has a commemorative variety which features "ovos moles" (Portuguese for "soft eggs") which is specific to the city of Aveiro, Portugal.