
DOBROGEA Eugenia Original Biscuits Bag 360g

These cookies are a must try, especially for rum lovers. The hint of rum in the chocolate filling is truly unique. Made in Romania.
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GUSTO Pufuleti Plain (Puff Snacks) 85g resmi

GUSTO Pufuleti Plain (Puff Snacks) 85g

Treat yourself to some guilt-free indulgence by munching on these Romanian corn puffs! This 100% natural, healthy and light snack is made from carefully-selected maize. Gusto Corn Puffs are bought by millions of people worldwide. This impressive preference level is based on the high quality, delicious taste, unique recipe of the product and on its state-of-the-art technology.
GUSTO Pufuleti 45g resmi

GUSTO Pufuleti 45g

Gusto Pufleti are delicious, salted corn flips with palm oil from Romania. Gusto Pufuleti are made from 100% natural ingredients.
ROM Cel Dublu Chocolate 50g resmi

ROM Cel Dublu Chocolate 50g

This Romanian classic chocolate bar contains a dark outer chocolate filled with a creamy caramel and rum-flavored filling.
LIVADA Lovage Leaves (Leustean) 20g resmi

LIVADA Lovage Leaves (Leustean) 20g

Lovage belongs to the parsley family, and its seeds, leaves, and roots are commonly used in Europe for flavoring foods and beverages and for their medicinal properties. The leaves are used in soups, stocks, flavored vinegars, pickles, stews, and salads. In Italy, lovage is used with oregano and garlic for tomato sauces. The seeds are sprinkled over salads and mashed potatoes and are crushed for breads, pastries, biscuits, and cheeses. The stems and stalks are chopped for use in sauces and stews, while the crystallized leaves and stems are used for decorating cakes. Lovage is great when cooking lentils- sweat a few leaves with onions , then let the lentils cook slowly with the lovage. Pesto is traditionally made with basil, but can be made with most herbs. Try it using sorrel and lovage. Lovage can be used on a pizza topping or add a handful of chopped lovage on pasta. Lovage is excellent with fish, such as salmon. Chop the leaves in a fresh leaf and herb salad- dress with your favorite dressing. Lovage soup is delicious. Leek and lovage soup really work well together.